A Place where I list my other Blogs and websites, review oracle decks, tarot decks, books and cds.... and share with you some of the knowledge learnt ....
When Do you Cancel Your Appointments as a Tarot Reader ?
Are there times when you feel stagnant/stuck?
Thoughts are going round and round but nothing sitting long enough for you to actually say what you mean ... Do you find you stare at the cards and nothing seems to make sense, thoughts seem muddled and unclear? Do you feel your mind is a void where thoughts disappear, a bit like the Bermuda Triangle, never to be seen again ...... ? You have one of those days that you feel you just can't do any readings for self or another.. the cards seems a blur, you recognize nothing, no symbols or colours stand out .... nothing seems to fit within the puzzle .... everything seems disjointed?
What do you do ? Continue with appointments? Continue playing with cards with the hope that something will click ?
Do you know what I do?
I stop, take a deep breath.... make sure my Chakras are cleared and balanced .... that i feel grounded and clear .... if that still does not feel right .... I phone my clients for that day ... and explain that as i am unwell and feel I will not be able to give a clear reading that day would they like to book a reading for next week when I have had time to heal so i can give them all of myself to the reading .......and give them the best of me .... The response I get from my clients (the querants) "thank you for being honest and yes would love to make another appointment ...."
Imagine not cancelling the appointments for the day and you truly do not give the best of yourself at that time, Do you think the client (querant would come back) Do you think you are being honest and working with integrity?
at the Door we see a family .. the mother us holding an empty bowl as the family looked upset, worried .... on the path leaving the house we see someone carrying a huge sack on his shoulder ... what has he done ....
we can create a story about what has happened to the family? what did this man do ? he was dishonest is his words and tricked the family into emptying what little food they had .... he was so greedy, so dishonest he gave no thought to the family at all ..... he did not care what they thought of him ..... all he could think of what he could get for himself ..... .. The family are left with nothing, nothing to sustain them through their days or nights.. they feel like there is no help, no hope for the future ... they feel in despair, they have no clarity in how to move forward ... they are chained to their own thoughts .... addicted to their own good kindness ... (This is not always a good thing when taken advantage off ... there are times when boundaries are of value...) ...when we must know if someone is not being honest in their dealings with us ....
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