The Fools Journey Through The Major Arcana
Here is the Fool --- he begins his journey with nothing ...
no expectations,unsure of what lies ahead.. he is a student, a novice of life.... he has no experience of what lies ahead..... he may not be completely balance ... yet to be revealed in what lies ahead ..... he starts in a void 0 Space ........ He walks ahead and meets the Magician ... he asks "What must I do to walk ahead on my journey? " The Magician replies.."one possibility is Look beyond the illusion.... How do you manifest your desires, your wants and needs? ... Are you working with the Law of Attraction? "

The Fool ponders what the Magician says and thanks him for his answers ... Walking ahead he comes across the High Priestess.... he watches and looks at her then asks :" What must I do to move ahead from here?" The High Priestess looks at the fool and laughs - " What is important here is to understand what is hidden will always be revealed... Are you creating your journey through your thoughts and ritual work? Are you working with your sorcery? The Magick that lies within.... I ask that you look within to find the answers ..." He thanks her and continues his journey ahead ....
He comes across this woman, she appears unexpectedly and does not seem to see him.... he walks towards her and says Hello before kneeling beside her as she works and asks "What do i need before I can take another step from here? " she looks at him and smiles kindly at him. The Empress says" You must nurture this creation you desire, you want and need in your journey , nourish with loving thoughts of self...., receive as much as you give in nurturing this abundance of loving energy .....Are you working with all of your skills? Can you acknowledge the skills you have learnt so far? "
He thinks about what The Empress says to him as he walks ahead he discovers his understanding has expanded... his knowledge has gained some clear thought ....
The Fool continues his journey ..... This man walks up to him and looks him squarely in the eyes and say " are you an authoritative in your journey? Are you practical in how you nurture your journey ? Are you ready to be a leader? Can you think you can do it? " and walks away .... the Fool looks after him in wonderment and continues walking , he walks through a village... as he walks he hears an elderly man talking to some children .... Then man speaks clearly " faith, traditions come from beliefs... these we take forward in healing, in learning, in study as we continue our journey the key in how life is how we choose to take this learning, this faith that lies within and bring it forward into our life .... " (The Hierophant )
as he walks ahead - he sees a man leaning against a tree playing an instrument .... the music is serene and relaxing ... he sees a woman nearby listening ... together he sees they are in love, there is a passion awakening .... a bond that is unbreakable, so it seems .. but fragile at the same time .... he realizes no words need to be spoken so continues his journey ahead.... (The Lovers)
'He comes across a man and his sled dogs (representation of The Chariot ) ...
:they greet each other and the Fool asks " What do I need to know so I can continue my journey ?" the Man speaks firmly asking the Fool to understand in which direction takes him to his goal.... " how do you get to where you want to be with Golden Means..., ? this question i ask of you is black and white, there is no grey road to travel .. to get to your dreams you must be clear thought ...."
He sit and wonders this thought...

After awhile The Fool decides it is time to move ahead ..... he continues to walk slowly ahead, not quite sure yet what lies ahead on his journey,... he knows he must continue walking ahead ...... He looks ahead and sees a stream with a few trees beside the stream he sees a Woman with a panther (in other decks it could be a Woman with a Lion ) - He does not want to walk too close afraid , he feels he does not have courage and strength to face the panther on his journey ..... he hears the woman speak quietly to the Panther .... The panther quiets down and calmly sits beside her .... She beckons the Fool towards her, saying quietly.." it is how you use your strength that is of value to the situation... It is your choice in how you react .... it is not always physical strength but mental strength and emotional strength that will help you to survive.. get through the process to move ahead in life ...." He thinks about what she is saying, and thanks her for the message.... he continues walking until he sees at a distance a man .. a White man who lives alone and enjoys life surrendering to the environment ... he understands to let himself shine through he moves through life alone knowing after the dark of the Winter there is the Light of Spring .... He carries a lantern to allow him to see through the darkness ... He is a Survivor ....He stays hidden as he moves quietly, stealthily away from the Hermit, He Comes upon a Circle of Stones in the ground .... with a Stick in the centre.... the Circle is divided into segments and divided by coloured sands depicting the Seasons through the directions ..... He Sits quietly outside the Circle and does a Vision Quest ... seeking answers from within ... he sits for the day, he sits for the night.. no food or drink ... no shelter... listening to the environment he starts to hear the noises around him, the animals, the night wind.... , he sits and be..... he hears within him a voice.. suddenly this voice is not within him but outside of him .... he hears the voice speak clearly " Decisions decide on your fate.. on the path you decide to take is taking you on a journey, but does that journey align you with your destiny ? Are you feeling stuck? stagnant? going around and around in a circle? are you walking straight ahead.. are you focused on manifesting, creating your life purpose? " he sits a while longer contemplating what the voice has spoken of ...... he allows himself to digest this experience before slowly moving his body ready to walk further long his journey.. he feels he now understands the lessons he has been learning along the way, taking him further along this path of knowledge and wisdom....still understanding he has still so much learn but he is getting there...slowly .....

He walks ahead and discovers a Village ..... when he gets to the village the people guide him inside one of the Tepees.... he is spoken to by an Elder....he is asked many questions by the Chief, The Shaman, The Medicine Man, The Medicine Woman and others, Asked if he is of balance... has he worked hard at understanding his journey so far? Does he know of his rights as of the people? Does he realize his own karma of his journey? He is in Court and realizes His justice is being taken care of by the Gods and the Goddesses... he is being rewarded for his hard work, recognized and soon will be able to continue on his journey ..... he is told that within the next village he will be able to surrender as the Warriors do but first he must see he continues on to the next Village, inside the Village there is something going on ..... he walks ahead and is shown inside one of the Tepees... inside he sees a Warrior with hooks in his back, he realizes The Sundance ceremony is taking place... A sacred ceremony when the Warrior surrenders to the journey.... allows himself the choice of letting things be as they are ..... or seeing new opportunities as new options ..... listening to the viewpoints of others allows him to discover a journey that lies ahead full of new possibilities ....This is a journey which creates change within one's self .....hanging at the end of the rope allows one to understand the possibilities of moving forward ..... after a moment he moves away from the tepee and continues through the village to sit and contemplate is he ready to surrender.. to look at the possibilities that are available to him he ready to be that warrior on his journey ......?
After Much Contemplation The Fool decides that even though he is a student of life he is ready to transform into a warrior..... A Warrior to fight his way not only in life, but first he knows To surrender brings him to the next stage of his journey ... as he walks ahead he sees this figure in a dark coat and hat standing near some buildings - Who is this Man he thinks to himself? He walks closer.....and greets this man .... This man replies and continues to speak ..." I have been waiting for you....I knew that sooner or later you would be here on this path" The Fool replied quietly.." Why, what do you mean? Who are you? How did I know I would be here?" The Man replied... " I am The God of Death? "The Fool started to speak " I am not ready to die...." The God of Death says firmly." I speak not of a physical death but one of a Spiritual Nature, a death that releases the old that no longer serves you.... one of transformation, of changes.... one that allows you to prepare for rebirth, renewal." The Fool says" Ohhh , that I can do.. I am ready to surrender and allow myself to be a warrior .... I am ready to face my Demons and become a new me, like a butterfly that is born out of a cocoon."
God of Death replies calmly, " Sit.... close your eyes .... face your demons and allow yourself to be..." The Fool Sits and closes his eyes.. He breathes gently and slowly until he feels the demons rising within him.. the things he knows he must release so he can move forward ......
Within his vision.. he discovers a woman she is weaving her blanket with the patterns she decides she wants to create ..... This Weaver speaks to The Fool " You must decide in how you can create your life, feel the secret of life, of the Law of attraction , the Secret, The Celestine Prophecy and more.... the words you use create your reality. Are your words negative or positive? What do you want more of in your life? " the Fool replies "Positive" The Weaver continues " Then align yourself with positiveness with positive thoughts and words spoken in the Now ..." The Fool continues to breathe and reflect on the words spoken by the Weaver ...
As the Fool continues to sit and reflect, contemplate these questions .... a Monster arrives..... The God of Death reminds the Fool to continue to sit and breathe gently and slowly " Face your Demons" the God of Death says to the Fool ..... he Fool continues to breathe deeply facing this Monster in the face... looks into his eyes.. and says "I am ready " This Monster replies..."..I am the Devil, I keep you chained to your limitations, I restrict you.. I lead you into temptation, I distract you to take you off your path, There is nothing you can do." The Fool looks at the Devil... and relies with conviction.... "yes I now know what to do .... do you see that what I do " The Fool runs as fast as he can.. he runs up the stairs of the tower, he reaches the top .. stands at the edge of the roof and yells " I am ready to surrender, I have faith, I want to create my own reality, as I stand on solid ground.. The truth lies within me ... I am ready ..." hands in the air he feels like the ground is shaking.. his world right now is not so stable .....lightening strikes the tower, the tower bursts into flames and shakes, the walls begin to crumble.. he knows there is only one thing to do, symbolically he realizes he must take a leap of faith to allow himself to stand on the solid ground of reality ..he breathes slowly, and feels himself shift into a state of awareness ...a sense of being within himself... he then finds himself falling, tumbling towards the ground .......the fall seems to take forever as he tumbles tumbles ..........he sees the day become night become day become night ..... he feels there is change within him ..... he feels a new sense ...within him .....
The Fool has been tumbling as he finds himself with this huge impact happening in his life, his world was shaking, the walls were crumbling all around him so he had decided to take a leap of faith in the hope he would stand on solid ground of reality ..... What happens next brings new questions within him..... He falls into a Large Spider Web of Stars ... he finds himself stuck for the moment - he looks around him and asks out loud "Why am I stuck ? What am I suppose to do? How do I move ahead from here? " It was Rhetorical so was surprised to hear an answer ..... " Dreams and goals need looking at, Are you continuing to create your dream ? Walking the path of the light...? Are you listening to your own Dreams while you sleep ? Are you shining within? " The Fool looks around him and sees Grandmother Spider moving closer to him ....She continues - "Breathe gently and tell me these answers , then you will find you will shine from within ...." The Fool looks at her and slowly says - "My dreams are prophetic, they tell me I will achieve my goal, I will reach my destiny successfully , but then I find myself starting again ... so I know as I learn each step along the way i become successful even though there are continual challenges .." Slowly he feels himself moving, sliding towards the ground, out of the web of stars onto a path beside The Wolf- who is howling at the Moon , there is another wolf also howling in the distance.. It seems they are communicating .....He sits and listens for a Moment and discovers when he sits and truly listens he becomes to truly understand that as he acknowledges each part of the journey he is no longer afraid to walk through his journey .... he has faced many fears, trusted his own intuition and focused his thoughts in the direction he is moving ...... As he continues to walk ahead , moving away from the wolves Night returns to Day with a sense of renewal, freedom opens up a sense knowing everything happens in Divine Timing.... remembering to take time out for himself has allowed the sun to shine fully with a fresh understanding ... he sees two children looking at the shining Disk above them... the playfulness of their energy shows they have the freedom to enjoy life for themselves, no worries ... relaxation and fun..... The Fool continues to walk past the children watching them play ....
Suddenly he feels a sense of sadness as he comes upon a scene of what feels like Death ...... The tree stands bare ... the scaffolding shows a wrapped figure who has passed while the mound covers them also ..... Suddenly he feels as though he is being watched .... He hears a noise and as he turns he sees movement not of this World but in this World for a moment .....He hears silently within
him..."Resurrection.. time to awaken... the end is near yet soon it will begin anew time for judgments but discernment ..... Enlightenment brings with it new understanding." All of sudden that feeling disappeared and he felt like he was all alone .....ohh the realization the journey is nearing completion has the Fool beginning to smile .... but at the same time sad as this has been a huge journey of self discovery and soon it will be over, time to say Goodbye.. To close the doors ..... he walks slowly one step at a time not sure what will happen after this ....
He Continues to walk as he comes to The Turtle (Representation of the Earth) He climbs onto her back and sits with The Noble Earth Mother who sits under the Sky tree ... the Turtle walks upon the Seas as the stars Shine in the sky ....The Fool says to the Earth Mother..." I know my journey is ending... i am not sure what happens next... i am happy I have finished my journey but scared in what lies ahead, if anything at all? Do I stop learning? Have I done all that i can do? am I all that is ? The Earth Mother looks gently at this man who has become a warrior on his journey , a man of great knowledge and learning... he gently speaks .."You have overcome many challenges, embraced the learning by surrendering to the changes, transformations, the tumbles, the falls, being caught with faith. You have listened and taken action .... you have more ahead.... yes you have become an expert in this stage of your cycle but are you ready for what lies ahead... Doorways will be shown to you.. have you learnt enough to understand that some doorways provide good choices while others are tests to see if you can say No.....because behind those doorways distract you off your path .....ultimately the choice is yours in how you dance over the thresholds , open the gates that are unlocked, unlock the locked doors and then walk past, ignore the ones that are beckoning you in they draw you off your pathway away from your destiny with addictions and habits that do not serve you well .. Are you ready ? Time to get off The Turtle and join the stars .....

Blessings .... As you begin anew ....