Tuesday, 3 February 2015

What lies Within .......

This is such a huge subject as each of us as individuals are quite unique with our own set of experiences.... We move through life living each day quite different from the last.... we wake up  and create a new day from each choice, each decision we make from past experiences..... Sometimes it may feel as though we are repeating some experiences and at other times it feels as though we are creating new experiences .... The choice has to be ours, as we suddenly realize that repeating some of our experiences keeps us stuck in what seems a cycle of bad habits so we then have to decide are we going to create change, go through some transformations, take a risk by trying something new.......take ourselves out of that cycle and step forward on a new path......

Once we make that decision, do we follow through with our action?  .... and once we take that first step do we continue taking those new steps ahead, no longer looking behind us but focusing on the creation of something new... Do we create a new destiny for ourselves? New goals and dreams? Do we review our path and make sure we are focused on our desired result? Bring ourselves back on track for us as individuals .....

This, we understand, must be of our own freewill, understanding there are times that it seems we were distracted from our own truth,  travelled a path that seemed was not in alignment with our destination but one we must of experienced bringing us new understanding of what we do desire in our lives.  This allows us to create the necessary Transformations to create a new path of Love and Light ......

Must we Live in the Past or can we truly Live in the Present ....?
This has to be how we choose to experience this life of ours....Live in the present creates more present energy, Living in the past brings the past back into our life.....

Blessings ...

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